Support us

The John Simonds Trust is an educational charity

A donation to the John Simonds Trust means that children, who otherwise would not be able to, CAN visit or camp at Rushall Farm. It is through your generosity that they will be able to enjoy the uniqueness of this very special place. They will experience the freedom and fun, the sights and the smells, the colours of and contact with the trees and the farm animals, the wildflowers & the bugs. All this whilst enriching their lives and their learning.

  • Donate

    The Trust relies on donations and these have come in many forms including from other charitable Trusts. However, our main source of donations has always been from individual donors. We need to raise £40k per year so are grateful for gifts, however big or small.

    We do need your help to continue our work – please consider donating!

  • Become a friend of the John Simonds Trust

    You can also support us by becoming a friend of the Trust, with a suggested donation of £200/year. We need to raise £40k per year so are grateful for gifts, however big or small.

    We are so grateful to those who decide to become friends of the Trust.